Ads that appear below are those that have been submitted for publication in our chapter newsletterMetroNewYork Quarterly. We reserve the right to reject or edit classified ads and ask that submissions be limited to 40 words. Ads can be submitted to metronyai@aol.com, by mail to Metro NY Chapter Appraisal Institute, 1345 Ave. of the Americas, 2nd Fl., NY, NY 10105. The Appraisal Institute assumes no responsibility for the reliability of ads other than to publish them.

Job postings

Deutsche Bank: Risk Officer – Real Estate Valuation VP position

Job Description: Business Risk Management – Real Estate Valuation Job Title: Corporate Title Vice President Location: New York, NY Please click on link below for details: https://db.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/DBWebsite/job/New-York-1-Columbus-Circle/Business-Risk-Management—Real-Estate-Valuation—Vice-President_R0327384-1



